football Edit

From a Scrub's Standpoint

First of all, you're right, I did need to shave. But either way that's us, six weeks short of our 39th anniversary, on the Folly Beach pier just outside Charleston, South Carolina. We had a blast and all I can tell you when my lunch was served that (lightly, of course) fried calamari never stood a chance...
First of all, you're right, I did need to shave. But either way that's us, six weeks short of our 39th anniversary, on the Folly Beach pier just outside Charleston, South Carolina. We had a blast and all I can tell you when my lunch was served that (lightly, of course) fried calamari never stood a chance...

So we went on a little vacation.

Not a really a little vacation but, like, a real vacation, a week long and everything, getting back to town yesterday at noon. Penni and I haven’t been all that many places so it is not shocking for me to tell you we had never been to Charleston, South Carolina before, but it shocked me how much I hated to leave the place.

When I had heard of Charleston I heard about the Southern charm and romance of the city, it’s long history and, of course, it’s ocean view. I am not going to turn this into a travelogue suffice to say I have never before been anywhere like Charleston and our time there exceeded by grandest expectations.

One of the reasons for our choosing Charleston was there was no MLB games nearby. Penn loves going to baseball games and they have been a staple on many of our trips, especially those to Denver, but this time we steered clear of the stadiums. No golf neither, though Penn really wanted me to take my clubs and play at least a round or two over the course of the week. I love to golf, especially this year after missing so much of last summer due to a shoulder injury, but I can honestly say I didn’t miss it at all for those seven days in the Deep South.

One of the reasons, probably the main reason, the trip made for such a great vacation was the place we stayed, a little two-bedroom cabin long the Stono River. (go ahead, look it up, I hadn’t ever heard of it either) A magnificent setting, with the cabin set back a quarter mile from the road, almost all covered by a tree canopy, opening up just in time to take in a view of the river. So tranquil, so beautiful, especially in the evenings when the sunsets were as great as advertised.

When we have gone in the past - the best example being the hectic but very fun Thelma and Louis Special back in 2016, if you’ve been with me long enough to remember that nine-day epic - we have usually had a pretty full schedule. Be here, be there, be somewhere most of the time. That was not the case on this trip, especially the last two days when basically all we did was spend a few midday hours on the pier at the Folly Beach, soaking in some sun and listening to the ocean, the most awesome sound on earth, the retreating to the cabin to play out the string. I could get used to that kind of living, not gonna lie.

But not yet. Like most working stiffs when you are gone for a few days when it comes to that last day of vaca you find your mind shifting gears to the workplace, and what you have on your plate upon your return. As this is written we are just a couple of days from Memorial Day weekend and like most of you we have a full slate involving family and friends. But then we get into a three-point stance for the rush to the finish line.

The finish line? Yes, the finish line of the 2024 Nebraska high school football preseason, or off-season if you will, and we will be loading the site with all sorts of goodies over the next many weeks, all in an effort to entertain and inform regarding the upcoming season. I love this time of year with all of its hopes and dreams shared by all the coaches and players in our game, all of them working to make the most of what they got for those three months in the fall.

It was great - really great - to get away, but it is also very great to be back and doing what I have done for 35 years now, which is to promote the game of Nebraska high school football.
